

Here you will find all the useful information about equipment for the respective races of the Matterhorn Ultraks.

  • Except for the EXTREME and VERTINIGHT races, no compulsory equipment is required by the race committee.

  • It is up to the participants themselves to decide what they take with them for the race. However, checking the weather forecast before you start is strongly recommended so that you have the right equipment for the weather conditions (mobile phone, long sleeve shirt and emergency blanket should be included).

  • The EXTREME race requires a jacket with long sleeves (in the right size), an emergency blanket and micro spikes. In addition, the rules of the Skyrunner® World Series apply.

  • A headlamp is mandatory for the VERTINIGHT race.

  • There are no cups at the refreshment points. You must, therefore, bring your own cup.

  • Poles are permitted on all routes.


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